
You must have Composer installed on your local machine. Then choose a name for your project folder (let it be myblog). Common practice is to place it outside DocumentRoot for security. From a command tool run:

composer create-project nette/web-project myblog

Then go into the project folder. Install Hugonette:

cd myblog
composer require andygrond/hugonette

Adaptations for Hugonette

Take a look at your project folder. If you are working on Linux or macOS, make log and temp folders writable.

Now find some example files in the vendor/Andygrond/hugonette/doc/install folder of the Hugonette project. You can also find it on GitHub.

Replace the entire app folder with install/app folder of Hugonette and the entire www with install/www. The second one will be your DocumentRoot. Here you will find 2 subfolders:

  • myblog will be your entry point. Modifying 2 files there: .htaccess and gate.php you can change the project name, path and do whatever pops into your head to adapt Hugonette to your existing project. It's very flexible, so if you have a question like "will it be possible" the answer is probably: YES!

  • static -- you will put your static files here.

Hugo project

You will also need the Hugo environment to prepare some static pages for your project. If you wish, you can take advantage of another tool or even use an existing template, making some necessary changes in a text editor. Your choice.

If you decide to give Hugo a chance, go to HUGO section for starting advices.

Last updated