Why another framework?
My struggles
I was looking very long time for a PHP framework that fits my needs. Most of them were too heavy, with a steep learning curve at the beginning and a long time to load at the end. I don't need that bunch of functionality they offer. Instead, when I need anything, I like to have a choice.
Things offered to me by big frameworks are not necessarily the best. Even a logger is a way too complex and too heavy for my needs. Who knows if that not needed code won't be announced one day as the source of vulnerability in my system?
Trying to find the optimal solution for my projects, I've found myself in a trap of performance tests. But it is useless to measure performance of empty router, because router is not intended to do nothing. Quite other factors are deciding about the performance of your page load and you should focus on them.
I realized, that there must be an easier and better way to achieve my goals. I don't need from PHP much more than data. I have JavaScript to do the application functionality. I use Hugo static site generator to prepare a web design and JavaScript UX for my projects.
Don't raise a bar of complexity and programmer competence. When things are plain, they can be easily achieved. Great code must have clear structure and must be easy to develop. So have a clear plan before you do.
So I wrote Hugonette to mix the power of Hugo with the power of Nette PHP framework. Nette is number 2 in the world now, after Laravel. Its modularity allowed me to pick from it only the things I need: an intuitive templating engine and awesome debugging tool. Now writing code is fast and pleasant to me. Even more: results of my work pass performance tests like a charm. So I decided to share it with you.
If your needs are like mine, use Hugonette. Hugonette is lightweight, fast, and easy. Provides everything you expect from a framework, to build not only your blog, but also a powerful web application. Ready for new projects, but flexible enough to mix it with existing scenarios. Scalable as your project grows.
You can prepare your templates in any way. However, if you have more sophisticated purposes, try Hugo. It is the fastest web development engine in the world.
Hugonette as an engine for your static site
If you have already a static site, you probably manage with some easy tasks, such as a contact mailbox, using an external service. Few use hosting on Netlify. But if you want to host your static pages independently, try Hugonette. Hugonette works well in more challenging scenarios also. If the increase in requirements means that your site can no longer be pure static, here is the solution!
Hugonette provides more security
Typical web project is shared between UI designer and server side programist. Hugonette provides natural mechanism for separation of their tasks. This encourages good practices and ensures, that their actions will not affect each other.
Hugonette customization to existing projects
Hugonette is flexible to meet your needs, also when you are going to develop an existing project. You don't need to build a new version of everything. Instead, the recommended solution is to build new functionality on Hugonette, allowing to run old code in parallel, and consecutively transferring all that mess to the new technology.
If you have a website on WordPress and you can't find any WordPress plugin to meet your needs, don't try to write the next WordPress plugin! Hugonette will perfectly fit to patch up the hole, giving you seamless integration and ease of use.
Whatever your needs, start an adventure with Hugonette to bring simplicity and order to your project. With its help you can build a real app on your page, utilizing the most popular hosting service -- LAMP stack without any special needs.
Last updated